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Araminta’s Place: Calling Forth All the Good!

Linda James Myers, Ph.D.

Updated: May 9, 2022

Black Again

Why does the mere mention of Black raise such disdain, ire, and fear in the hearts of so many…

After all it is the source color, representing the absorption of all the colors, all of the energies of the spectrum as One…just as Black holes are the source from which the universe, universes, emerge and to which they will return…

Is that power, the power of the beginning and the end, the reason for the fear?

Black was the name non-immigrant Africans in the Americas chose for themselves…

They even used to revel in the name…taking pride in Black power…taking pride in themselves…”say it loud, I’m Black and I’m proud”…

But the unrelenting disdain of white supremist culture with its structural racism and mono-culturally hegemonic institutions, and biased system of assessing value and assigning opportunity, seems to have overcome many of them, leaving them without knowledge, much less pride….no longer wanting to be Black or have anything to do with the term…

Losing memory, particularly intergenerational memory, of the power and the presence, the force of will and resilience that Black symbolizes, many tried to withdraw to non-racialized, multi-cultural identities …never realizing a strong, positive, Black identity that went beyond skin color…

Yet, there are those who never forgot, who never succumbed to the brutal, vicious, dehumanizing perpetual onslaughts built into the foundational structures of white supremist, patriarchal, imperialist, capitalist societies that have overrun the world for the past 400 years…recognizing that racism is simply a manipulation for a much deeper psycho-social ill, materialistic greed without ethical or moral limits which has spawned a level of guilty projection unparalleled through mass mis-education and social engineering…

Some came to recall and understand that Black people are bio-genetically, anthropologically/linguistically, and archaeologically speaking, the Source people…Mothers and fathers of all human culture and civilization, making us all one humanity…

Hmmm…that consciousness which would be Black, holistically integrating the Totality, seems to be the most sustainable, fostering acknowledgement, appreciation, and respect for each in their own way, creating access to the more refined energies and dimensions of reality and spirituality we otherwise would not know…

Black consciousness has been the creative and persevering spark of the forced labor energy that built the wealth of this nation and other European ruled nations… in the sciences gave birth to the ingenuity of the industrial revolution and the age of digital technology… to say nothing of the contributions to the arts and music with syncopated rhythms and passionate melodies that softened and inspired the western psyche, as well as prophesied the coming demise of Black consciousness, should Black people not take their power back and define reality and think for themselves…

That Black consciousness was the foundation of the moral and spiritual leadership that moved this nation toward living up to its own creed with passive resistance, the power of love, thirst for justice, and courage to stand in the face of impossibility…all characteristics of the ‘beloved community’ needed as much today as ever before, if not more…

In sum, Black has always had more to do with what is in your heart and mind, than the color of one’s skin…

Will we ever be Black again?…

Absolutely…no doubt….

Now for words from past leaders and scholars—

If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values – that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

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